The clubhouse is a co-owner amenity. Co-owners may rent the clubhouse on behalf of the tenants, but the co-owner must be present at the clubhouse at the time of the event. Events must end by 11:30 pm and prices for four-hour blocks of time for renting the clubhouse are as follows:
Up to 30 people: $50
31 to 50 people (max capacity): $75
Use the message feature on this page to request clubhouse rental. If you do not get a response or have questions, please call Linda Storey at 859-421-4872. If Linda is unavailable, call Lea Ann Miller at 859-797-0789. Please note clubhouse rentals are not guaranteed until the co-owner has provided their down payment to the HOA. Rentals are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. If co-owners want to reserve more than one rental date at a time, they must pay their deposits at the time of the reservation. Co-owners must be current on their dues and assessments to rent the clubhouse. Clubhouse rentals DO NOT include use of the pool.
The HOA may schedule community-wide events at the clubhouse; in those instances, the clubhouse is not for rent. There is a $300 deposit due within three days of receiving rental confirmation. If the co-owner writes a check for the deposit, he/she must ensure there are sufficient funds in the account from which the check was written. If the deposit is paid in cash, it will be returned NLT five days after the event; provided there are no damages to the clubhouse or its equipment and also provided the clubhouse is clean upon vacating the premises. If damages and / or cleaning services require more than $300 to address, the renting co-owner is responsible for the balance.
The HOA website is not updated in "real time". Therefore, the listing of reserved rental days on the website page may not be 100% accurate.
Please review the rental contract prior to reserving the clubhouse. Also note the co-owner renting the clubhouse has be at the event and has to provide a cell phone number should there be a noise complaint, emergency, or other situation warranting contact. Prior to taking control of the key to the clubhouse, the renting co-owner must fill out and sign the contract on this page. It is the responsibility of the co-owner to capture discrepancies / issues with the clubhouse prior to accepting the key / responsibility.